Friday, June 8, 2012


It is amazing to me that while we pray for peace; most experience the answer to that on rare occasions! Why is that? I think that we too often lean on our own understanding... as much as we "think" we are leaning on Him, we don't.  What peace we often forfeit, oh what needless pain we bear, all because we do not carry everything to God in prayer!!!  What a friend we have in Jesus!!!
More to follow...

Thursday, March 15, 2012

According to WebMD:
The gallbladder is a small pouch that sits just under the liver. The gallbladder stores bile produced by the liver. After meals, the gallbladder is empty and flat, like a deflated balloon. Before a meal, the gallbladder may be full of bile and about the size of a small pear.
In response to signals, the gallbladder squeezes stored bile into the small intestine through a series of tubes called ducts. Bile helps digest fats, but the gallbladder itself is not essential. Removing the gallbladder in an otherwise healthy individual typically causes no observable problems.
  • Gallstones (cholelithiasis): For unclear reasons, substances in bile can crystallize in the gallbladder, forming gallstones. Common and usually harmless, gallstones can sometimes cause pain, nausea, or inflammation.
  • Cholecystitis: Inflammation of the gallbladder, often due to a gallstone in the gallbladder. Cholecystitis causes severe pain and fever, and can require surgery when inflammation continues or recurs.
Yesterday's tests confirm I have gallstones...Hmmmmmm, makes me think:

Like my gall bladder was created to help my body function properly; my tongue was made to glorify God in the body of Christ  and has the potential to help the body function properly....and like the stones in my gallbladder, my tongue can cause "blockage" in the body! i am examining my heart to ask God if there is "bile" that tears down others by my hurtful words, pride, judgement, criticism and/or gossip!
i hate to admit that i have been guilty of that far too many times over the years. But just like a trained physician can remove the created organ gone awry, our Great Physician can remove our offensive "organ" - i only have to ask to have the procedure begun.... 
Lord, i am asking!! i know there will be pain, i understand that there is potential for setbacks if i do not obey the physician's orders; I trust You and Your work is perfect!  
i love You!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Tomorrow is my 62nd birthday!  How am I spending it?  Work for 3 hours and then on to have tests to see if I have Gall stones, (due to a recent attack that had all the "earmarks").  I have learned to trust in the Sovereignty of God... The Bible says I am fearfully and wonderfully made! It also says that I know it right well (Psalm 139)... I do!  How precious is our Lord to comfort me and also to give wisdom to those who need it to diagnose and treat!  God is ALWAYS good!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Another year!

Time goes so quickly!  Not a new thought, to be sure; however as each year passes I am reminded just what "quickly" means...
i was an 18 year old bride of a soldier (what 10 years has it been)???  Oh, I guess 42 year old son tells me that it has been a little longer than that!
i was a 27 year old wife / mom when a promise that God gave me from Isaiah 43:5 was fulfilled with the birth of my daughter (who grew not under my heart, but rather in it). Let's see that was 15 years ago??? oops.. wrong again: pictures on the wall of my 34 year old daughter and her wonderful husband with my beautiful 3 grandsons remind me that it has been a little longer than that.
i was a only a 42 year old when again God gave me the desires of my heart, and our curly blonde haired girl was born...just, what, 5 years ago??? Oh, wrong again...she is now a 2nd year college student.
my body tells me that I don't have the same strength and stamina that I was able to give in play to my oldest grandson, to my youngest!
my handsome husband has a few dark hairs left, but the Bible tells me that his grey hair is a sign of wisdom... (or maybe his is just putting up with me for 22 years) :)
There are soooo many days, moments, people that are so special to me that have added to my years - I hope to share some of those as this "blog" evolves.
Most importantly...It was 37 years ago on March 9th that my life truly changed and made an appreciation for my life (every moment) and the joyful anticipation of what is left of my days, and then eternity, happened:  I was born again!  Jesus Christ became the Lord of my life!  He has been with me through it all; never leaving my side...He is my Comforter, my Peace, my Joy, my 1st Love, my Saviour!  I hope that you will take the time to consider His sacrifice on the cross for you!!  Don't let "another year" pass without getting to know will NOT be disappointed.

About Me

My name is Linda. I am a wife, a mother, grandmother, daughter, sister, aunt, cousin to some of the most wonderful people on earth. I am first and foremost a follower / believer in Jesus Saviour. He died on the cross for me! He rose again for me! The best thing...He did it for you too! What a wonderful, mighty God I serve!