Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Tomorrow is my 62nd birthday!  How am I spending it?  Work for 3 hours and then on to have tests to see if I have Gall stones, (due to a recent attack that had all the "earmarks").  I have learned to trust in the Sovereignty of God... The Bible says I am fearfully and wonderfully made! It also says that I know it right well (Psalm 139)... I do!  How precious is our Lord to comfort me and also to give wisdom to those who need it to diagnose and treat!  God is ALWAYS good!


  1. Mama, I am Praying as always for you and these test's! God is always good! But thanks a lot for getting sick when my husband gets sick, talk about Satan attacking me! I know its not about me but, dramatic thoughts about you and Derek keep flooding my mind! But, where is my faith? In my Husband, in my Mama? Nope! I can do all things! And I do not lean on my OWN understanding! Love you! Happy 62! You look...well like you could be my OLDER sister! <3 Bek

  2. The "test" is trusting Him; NO MATTER WHAT! For you, Derek, me for all of us who have chosen to follow our Lord through whatever / wherever He guide us! But I do know a fact about you.... you are able to do ALL things through Christ Who strengthens you! Love you more than I can express! Always have, always will! Your, mama


About Me

My name is Linda. I am a wife, a mother, grandmother, daughter, sister, aunt, cousin to some of the most wonderful people on earth. I am first and foremost a follower / believer in Jesus Christ....my Saviour. He died on the cross for me! He rose again for me! The best thing...He did it for you too! What a wonderful, mighty God I serve!